What has happened in just the last few years is certainly one of the most far-reaching and profound shifts in scientific medical opinion since the development of the germ theory of infectious diseases.
This profound discovery gives us a whole new way at looking at how disease comes about, how genes work and the importance of inflammation in our defenses and in the process of aging.
It emerges that our bowel also known as our gut is the real hotbed of inflammation, which affects systemic health in all our other organs and tissues. Literally, if your gut is "on fire", then the whole body gets damaged.
Intestinal fire or "Fire in the Belly," is the primary common factor behind an astounding array of diseases, including allergies, autoimmune disease, diabetes, heart disease, mental illness, behavior disorder and a host of other conditions that medical science thought it understood.
Qualified in medicine MB ChB (same as MD) in Manchester, UK in 1970, Dr. Scott-Mumby almost immediately began research into controversial alternative medicine.
Prof. Scott-Mumby made medico-legal history in 1986, when a UK Crown Court accepted his evidence that food allergy was capable of making a youth murderously violent; by 1990 the press were calling him "Britain's Number One Allergy Detective".
Prof. Scott-Mumby has published several books in this field and been interviewed by many TV and radio stations worldwide, as a recognized expert in alternative health paradigms.
Prof. Scott-Mumby now writes and lectures internationally on the themes of he currently has on cutting-edge alternative medicine, energy medicine, cancer research alternatives, and anti-aging science.
He has over 35 years of knowledge and clinical experience which he writes about in his 15 published books.
I urge you to keep reading, because I'm going to tell you why, there's more that you need to know, much more!
The shocking new revelation is that the microbial denizens of our intestinal tract share their genes with us.
Not only that but they outnumber our own "human genes" but a factor of hundreds. It's called the microbiome.
Now for the really scary thing: these microbes together encode up to about 10 million unique genes between them. Humans have only about 25,000 genes, give or take. That means were are out-gunned with genes to a factor of hundreds.
These genes affect the way our body obtains and uses nutrients, detoxes chemicals, deals with food, breaks down polysaccharides, metabolizes hormones and scores of other functions.
There, you missed it, didn’t you?
I just described the most amazing medical/biological discovery of all time; the one that is so stunning it’s hard to believe!
Read the next part of this sentence slowly and carefully: bacterial and other microbial genes from our guts tell our bodies how to behave, just like human genes do.
That’s remarkable!
It is counter-intuitive and doesn’t seem right, in the natural order of things.
You would think only human genes can tell a human body what to do. But it just ain’t so; so get used to it.
Our little troop of hangers on and assistants have as much control over our bodies as our own DNA does (maybe more)!
Humans have emerged as a giant "super-organism" consisting of trillions of human cells, conjoined with over 100 trillion microbial cells and we function together as one unit, a unique ecosystem, which has been nicknamed "Planet Human" in recognition of its vast on-board population.
If that’s not enough, it’s also about having a whole second brain in our guts, something so shocking and surprising, that most doctors and scientists are still reeling from its implications.
Our "second brain" has all the same neurotransmitters and just as many neurons as the spinal cord or peripheral nerves.
In fact 95% of the body’s serotonin is found in this gut "brain", which thus affects our moods, actions and performance.
It's almost unreal.
I decided the best plan was to write you a book, so you can discover how to quench the fire of inflammation and prevent these deadly chronic diseases. I just had to call it... Fire In The Belly.
"All diseases start in the intestines." Hippocrates
"The primary seat of insanity is the region of the stomach and intestines."
French psychiatrist Phillipe Pinel (1745- 1826), known as the father of modern psychiatry.
Did these ancient doctors know something we don’t recognize today? You bet.
You may have heard another saying "death begins in the colon" and then thought it sounds crazy. But there is so much TRUTH in the idea that gut health can kill you that you need to get wise to this.
INFLAMMATION, the number one disease mechanism, that leads to aging and decay...
...Is just like a FIRE: It’s hot, it consumes our tissues, it lays waste the body, just like a wildfire.
Almost all diseases of decay and aging are inflammatory in nature: diabetes, arthritis, heart attacks and stroke, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, etc. are all inflammatory processes.
Even deadly cancer has strong inflammatory aspects.
What is going on in your gut is of vital concern to you.
Inflammation (from the Latin inflammare, which means to set on fire), is a natural process of the immune system. It’s supposed to happen when pathogens strike; it’s our main defense against bacteria, parasites, viruses and toxins.
But when the cause of the problem isn’t resolved, as with a continuous toxic and unhealthy diet and lifestyle, or deeply hidden infections, then the inflammation becomes chronic.
Instead of helping us fight off disease, inflammation becomes a deadly malignant process that relentlessly damages our tissues.
It’s almost irreversible. Chronic inflammation is very bad news.
Ultimately, it will kill you before your time. It’s a kind of friendly fire, as the military call it (shooting your own troops by mistake).
And you know what? Most of the hostility centers around the digestive system.
Food allergy, in which I made my name internationally in the 1980s and 90s, is only a part of it.
Today it’s so much more...
...We now know there are innumerable genetic incompatibilities with foods in our diet.
Everyone is different.
So forget standardized diets, such as the Atkin’s diet, or even the blood-types diet and metabolic diet. None of these are necessarily right for you. Yes, they work sometimes but not consistently.
Even the healthiest diet makes some folks sick.
The thing is, I’m not even talking about so-called junk-food. Inflammatory foods are almost all good, plain whole foods; the sort of thing you would never suspect of causing potentially lethal damage. We are so used to thinking of food as nourishing, most people are not aware of the damage that these foods can cause.
But what if you are intolerant of carrots, lettuce, bananas, tomatoes or milk?
Then even healthy, whole and organic versions of these foods will set up silent inflammation in your gut.
But then there are many infectious pathogens that also add to the process of inflammation.
Many of these are sneaky and live in our bodies, without setting off the immune system radar alarm. So they linger, undetected and unresolved. The body doesn’t throw them out, because it doesn’t know they are there.
But these "stealth pathogens", as we call them, set up murderous chronic inflammation.
That's why I'm going to tell you what to look for and how to fix it.
It’s not just foreign invaders that cause disease.
We have trillions of bacteria and other organisms in our bodies, which are supposed to be there; they live with us and even do things for us like digest our food and create vitamins. They help keep out the bad germs.
Most of these "friendly" organisms are in our guts. In fact, if you took out the water and connective tissues from our bodies and from these intestinal organisms, we have the genetic equivalent of nine human beings in our gut!
It’s been called the "forgotten organ".
It’s even BIGGER than our bowel tissue.
So what happens when we mess it up by taking antibiotics and eating atrocious foods, that spoils our natural balance and allows bad germs to thrive? Big trouble, that’s what.
I’m talking about lots of inflammation down there in the dark and moisture of our guts.
Calling it "friendly" fire is just a military joke: it’s deadly and very unfriendly indeed. Ultimately, it kills.
You need to put out that fire in the belly, urgently and permanently. I’ll be telling you how to do that in this life-saving book.
It’s no secret today that kids with disintegrative developmental disorder (autism) are plagued with bowel disturbances.
Scientists are at last starting to make the connection I was writing about and teaching in the early 1980s. Fire in the Belly and brain disturbance go hand in hand.
Some of it is unquestionably food allergy and toxic heavy metals setting up riotous inflammation in their little bodies, including the brain. I am a world-class expert at this and, not for nothing, I earned the nickname of the "Number One Allergy Detective" (Sunday Mail 1990).
But some of it is undoubtedly due to hidden infections. As long ago as 1983 I was seeing severe autism cases, where the condition had started within days of a measles jab (I say measles with certainty because in those days measles was not combined in MMR).
I went on radio in the 80s, reporting this association with measles vaccine. I was probably the first in the world to spot it and go public.
Then Dr. Andrew Wakefield set the scientific world on fire by reporting that he had found rogue measles virus (the vaccination strain) in the bowel of autism kids.
But there are other possible pathogens that have been discovered. You'll find out about these in the book, but I can share with you: it’s more "Fire In The Belly". It’s a very real problem and much further upstream than looking just at neurological changes in autism.
I’ll reveal the whole story and the simple steps you can take to combat this, in plain simple language. It’s absolutely riveting science.
One of the perils of this destructive "Fire in the Belly" is the epidemic—yes, epidemic—of autoimmune diseases we find today.
These are diseases where the body attacks and damages its own tissues. Talk about "friendly fire"!
It’s the immune response gone haywire. The immune system has been upset and confused by the mixture of signals it gets from our lousy habits and lifestyle.
Food allergy is an example: that’s reached beyond epidemic proportions. I’m on record with the BBC (back in the 1980s, mind you!) as saying it’s almost universal today.
The immune system should not be attacking the foods we eat.
But then we shouldn’t be eating what we do!
It’s not the immune system’s fault; it’s our obsession with foods like wheat, milk, tea, coffee, sugar and corn. Time and time again, these everyday foods turn up as the #1 causes of "fire in the belly".
Such foods do not belong in our diet, which essentially should be that of a hunter-gatherer.
You maybe didn’t think of toxic heavy metals, like mercury, arsenic and lead, as causes of "fire in the belly?"
But they are!
The liver is our major detox organ and it does the best it can at catching and eliminating these poisonous metals.
It was designed to excrete them into bile and so out into the intestines, where they would be voided, along with other toxins.
Unfortunately, these toxic metals inflame the intestinal lining, which then malfunctions and become "leaky", meaning that they can’t stop re-absorbing the toxic heavy metals.
So these toxins go back into the blood stream, circulate again and the liver has to get rid of them all over again. It’s a vicious cycle, which the liver cannot escape without help from you.
In this book I’ll reveal to you the secret of how we break this vicious cycle and stop overwhelming our livers. Frankly, if you don’t do it the correct way, you’ll make everything MUCH WORSE.
You cannot afford to be ignorant in this deadly game.
You need my book FIRE IN THE BELLY, to save your own life and help those around you, by learning to damp down and extinguish this murderous "Fire in the Belly".
This book is not only loaded with life-saving information: It’s one of the most fascinating books you’ll ever read, with amazing new science studies and discoveries.
The whole world of medicine is changing and—at last—doctors are grasping that Nature’s own way works best. That the way to heal, truly heal, is do it her way and not whack the body with drugs that have countless unforeseen side effects.
Chronic inflammation – and everything that causes it – is literally the root cause of all disease in your mind and body.
You owe it to yourself to quench the heat for a long and healthy life.
This FREE 76 page Companion eBook contains my latest writings from my exclusive newsletter on how dangerous inflammation is to your mind, body, and spirit.
You can never be too careful about lowering systemic inflammation, limiting inflammatory foods, or even removing people who have an inflammatory effect from your life.
Here’s to knowledge that saves lives!
It’s a bonus gift, so (buyers of "Fire In The Belly" only) you pay nothing! (Value: $19.95)
As an accompanying download I’ll give you, absolutely FREE, a very important and related eBook: It’s about the healing power of mushrooms and fungi to quell inflammation.
We all know about magnesium, omega-3s, aloe vera and other ways to quieten down inflammation. But mushrooms and fungi often get forgotten.
Recently I did an interview with Eric Cerecedes, a mycology wizard (mycology is the study of mushrooms and fungi).
I turned the interview in a booklet, packed deep with data about the powerful health benefits of mushrooms and fungi.
Eric tells you which ones to use for inflammation. But that’s only a fraction of what’s in the book.
It’s a bonus gift, so (buyers of "Fire In The Belly" only) you pay nothing! (Value: $14.95)
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Prof. Keith Scott-Mumby